
Ordered 3 books from you... Just finished "Succeeding..."

Absolutely and Totally Excellent... in every regard!

In fact, I am overwhelmed.

It's not just the information... it's the willingness for you to share your personal info... and to "call it like it is" regarding your life experiences!

I know I will need to read "Succeeding" many more times to get the full benefit.

You are an inspiration.


Travis McFee, DDS

Dear Reed Folks -- this book is awesome. Have bought several copies over the years. I am a mother of 4 teens…and well understand how difficult it is to reach them with life altering information. Thanks again for sharing this book with the public -- it is thoughtful and has saved me a lot of time that would have been spent trying to put information together from disparate sources. Hearing this from someone other than parents is helpful. First daughter graduating from HS. Thanks for sharing it with the public. Take care -- Diana

Hello to Marty and John, I have purchased all three of your previous editions of Succeeding. Now I am buying them for other people. It is the best non-fiction book I have ever read. Even at 58 it is not too late for me to learn from it. Many thanks... Bill Orland [Marty is John T. Reed’s wife]

The words you write in your books ring true. They sound much like the advice my own father used to give me, and I live my life by his words and what he taught me.

I made this, my third purchase from you because I want my son to read what you have to say about succeeding. I am sure they will be wise words.

When my son is through with the book, I plan on reading it myself.

Best wishes to you,

Jim Peterson

Hi John - Your book is a great book. I have purchased it, and it is one of my all time favorite "self help" books. I will forward this to the people I know who have a young high school graduate in their family.

Best Regards,

Hi John,

I just wanted to let you know I finished your book Succeeding and enjoyed it very much. It is easily worth double the price. There's so much good stuff in it.

It confirmed many beliefs I've come to after years of trial and error in my twenties so I found it reassuring. For example, I've never been a great employee and never ended a job on good terms. But I've made over $2000 a week in self-employment (just not always consistent with it). I'm always tempted to go back to a job because it's normal, but now I know I should make self employment work for me.

I'm also really glad you talked about drinking and sobriety. I quit drinking a year ago and I must say it might be the single best thing I've done for myself. Most people should not get involved with drinking. It is a huge time and money suck and creates potential for many other problems. I wrote this article about it to celebrate the one year mark:

I shared it in a few places and got inspiring comments. Some people have said they're struggling with issues related to drinking. I got one hater who said it was basically my fault for over doing it. haha. I guess it comes with the territory though.

Anyways, I just wanted to pass it along as you might enjoy it. Thanks for writing your military articles. And thanks for writing Succeeding.


Mr. Reed,

Succeeding is a book that's worth its weight in gold. 

I've read the book cover-to-cover several times, and even now, every time I read a section, I learn something new.  All of the advice in Succeeding pertains to topics that are hugely important to me. I appreciate the details regarding achievement, risk, success, and happiness.  As someone who is still at the early stage of his career, I find your insights to be incredibly valuable.

What impresses me most is that the advice in Succeeding is highly credible.  You have a collection of impressive achievements, longevity, and no hidden agenda.  As a skeptical reader who has read over a hundred self-help books, it is often hard to determine what advice I can trust.  I pay especially close attention to your words because you are someone who, based on decades of experience, understands what it takes to achieve goals that are universally respected.  You include your failures, and the lessons you learned from them. 

What I can say is that the vast majority of your advice is damn good, and my life has been greatly enriched by studying Succeeding carefully.

In fact, I enjoyed Succeeding so much that I've decided to order 3 more of your books.  Keep doing what you're doing, so people like me will continue to gain tremendously from your experience.

Warmest regards,

Hello Mr. Reed,

I am a college senior currently reading Succeeding. I haven't read a personal development/success book as dense with valuable content as yours.

The best part of the book (so far) in my opinion is your explanation of Reed's Law in large organizations: "No one can be more honest than anyone above him in the chain of command."

That really hit me when I read it. Like cold water poured over the head. All I can say is thankfully I'm working for a tiny start-up software company when I graduate.

Oliver Hudson

Hello John,

First, Merry Christmas!

Yours is probably the first email I have received in years wishing me a Merry Christmas. Not "happy holidays," not "seasons greetings," but "Merry Christmas."


I just ordered your latest edition of "Succeeding."

I have also purchased the previous two editions of "Succeeding." Technically, I'm probably two decades and then some past what some might consider the "target market" for that book. However, I've found it quite interesting and inspiring, despite that "technicality." It has ratified some of my own thinking, given me some things to ponder, and frankly, is a pleasure to read. It has that enjoyable, conversational tone that all exceptional books have. Besides that, you are a smart and insightful guy.

Warmest regards,

Greg Carpenter

Hi John,

Six years ago, when my wife was my fiancé, I commented that your book “Succeeding is Brilliant” and that my fiancé and I really enjoy reading it. Well, six years later, my wife and I still think Succeeding is Brilliant and we still very much love reading it.

Kind Regards,

James Kahn
Phoenix, AZ

[Reed note: I am not brilliant. What is unique about me is I really say what I think. That seems normal to me but it is apparently impossible for the vast majority of people. I have no idea why. With regard to succeeding in life, maybe most people are too embarrassed by the reality of the adult world to explain how to deal with it.]

Coach, I read your Succeeding book and I probably learned more useful information from that book alone than I did in 13 years of grade school and 5 years of college. The information from the book is vital to having success, but unfortunately we never learn these things in school.

John Deramo, Jr.

Indeed, the only thing I didn't like about Succeeding was that I didn't have it when I was graduating college. I had to learn many things the hard way: find a job that matches your strengths, the volleyball team story also hit home (finding a team that matches your abilities), etc.

Joshua Reed (no relation to John T. Reed from Facebook

I have purchased and read all three editions of Succeeding. It is the most profoundly useful non-fiction book I have ever read. I would have hugely benefited from reading this when I graduated from high school. Unfortunately, that was a long time ago. I still hope to use it where I can. Now, if I can only get my high school children to read it...

Bill Orland on Facebook

Dear Mr. Reed,

I have recently finished reading your book, Succeeding, and reviewed it twice. It was by far the best success book I have ever read. To put it more accurately, this is the first and only book I read in regards to succeeding, which is authentic, thorough, brutally candid, and relevant to the current time. Almost all of the contents are backed by your real life experiences. I laughed, got emotional and sometimes disturbed.

Before I read your book, I thought I was relatively diligent and hardworking. Sadly, it wasn't the case. It turned out that I was much lazier and more immature than I originally thought I was. I thought I was an honest person but I figured that I merely had half-ass, lukewarm integrity and inner strength when it came to facing with unethical outside pressures. This realization made me quite uncomfortable. I am embarrassed that I sent you a lengthy thank you note previously the way I did.

Reading about your Dating System story made me laugh. So did about the stories of your former bosses.

Well, your readers' raves about this book are certainly right. I am very glad that I read it. Like one of the readers comment, I wish I could have read it much much earlier. Yet, at the same time, I know that I wouldn't have appreciated this as much back then since I didn't go through my share of B.S. gurus's books and seminars. In the end, I was able to find you and your book out of my past mess. It took for a quite long time, but I found you. The book and its message is truly a gem.

In order for me to really thank you, I feel that I need to act upon and rebuild my life using the knowledge and information you gave me. When the day arrives, I will let you know what happens and send you another thank you note.

Till then,

Thank you, once again!


Your Succeeding book was a life changing book for me. It's a book I wished I had when I was 17 but could not have understood it until I was 27 when I read it. It drove a lot of sense into me. It made me re-evaluate many areas in my life. Caused me to see and do things differently. Thank you!

Jack Young posted on Facebook

hey John,

Just a quick follow-up on the email I sent you 2 years ago.

I thought you might want to know that your book LITTERALY changed my life. 2 months after reading succeeding and applying the principles I learned in it, I met my wife, a year later, we got married. A month ago, she gave birth to our daughter. [The book focuses on finding where you belong in life, careerwise, and with whom you belong, marriage-wise.]

The reason why this is significant is: I read lots and lots of books before reading yours. Few if any of them had that kind of impact on thinking and my life.

But that's not it, I now started a blog, and I'm working on a book, after reading some of your other stuff.

Here is the link to my blog!/PatrickLJacques

Anyway, thanks a lot!


Hey Coach,

I love your books. I have been coaching football and baseball for over 30 years, I truly enjoy reading your work. Keep up the great job, and keep me posted on any new books out there that you have written lately.

PS: I have the one on being a success, lead me towards a direction, if you know of any other authors out there that come close to your work on success or motivation.

Coach Capra
Head Freshman / Head Baseball
Hartland High School
Hartland, MI 48353

Thanks again for what you do, John. Thanks for helping me to see deeper.

Regards, Bryan Rush

Hey guys,

Hope you're well. Just wanted to send out a quick recommendation (above).

As you know, I'm always on the look-out for a writer with a fresh perspective. This has it in spades; I haven't read anything quite like
it. The closest writer that comes to mind, Christopher Langan, writes on entirely different topics, but these two guys have some intangible quality in common. Recall that Christopher Langan is the bartender who writes books on the meaning of life / the universe / mathematics, etc., and purportedly has the highest IQ in the world (somewhere between 195-210). Interestingly, it seems that Langan & Reed are close to the same age; I bet Malcolm Gladwell would have a theory about that.

I recall reading in one book review of Reed's works that he has an "acerbic" style. There's truth to that, and it's enjoyable to digest. I think one of his chief strengths is his uncanny ability to view the world, well, 'objectively' - - as much as that is possible I suppose.
If you're interested, you can find it online easily - just google John T. Reed Publishing and you'll get to it right off.

Patrick Smith

I wanted to write to tell you that I think Succeeding is an excellent book and it was even better than I expected.

Kevin Kelly

Thoroughly enjoyed your Succeeding and Baseball Coaching books. Also, from someone who played baseball at Princeton University and then spent 8 frustratingly long years in the Navy (wrought with the same "counselling sessions" you frequently mentioned from your Army days), I find your detailing of your son's football career and your own military commentary to be incredibly accurate.

Dylan Jones <>

Dear Mr Reed,

I ordered Succeeding on 05/25/2011 and have finished reading it after a week or so. To describe my experience, in short, I couldn't stop reading it because every chapter and every point is all true. While reading it I recalled and thought about the past fifteen years of my life and I regretted it. I wish I could have read your book earlier. Your book could have helped me cut through all those learning curves and all those mistakes that I have done partly as a result of a gullible youth….

I have lost five digits sum of money by following B.S. authors …. I wouldn't have lost all those money if I have read your book. Thank you very much.

And btw, on your homepage, it says "May be the best possible graduation gift on earth." I think it should read "DEFINITELY..." instead of the modest "May be..."
Also, I am recommending Succeeding and your website to my brother in law who just graduated from UCLA. I think he's gonna love it.

Best regards,

Bill Marson,
Jakarta, Indonesia

Hey John,

I purchased your book Suceeding. In it you say you are not a people person. But I do know you care about people. If this were not so you wouldn't have written such a great book like succeeding. I teach youth Bible study at my local church and plan on teaching from your book, Succeeding. Also, like you, I am an individualist. I march to the beat of my own drum.


Succeeding is my favorite of all your books. Great advice at any age, but especially good for young adults.

Darrell Woodruff

I purchased your book several months ago and have found it valuable, interesting, and stimulating. But I didn't just graduate- I'm 52 years old! Many of the ideas are timeless, and for that matter obvious- but as you know, it is often our own shortcomings that are the hardest to see. Very good read and well worth the price!

Kent Norris

I have been completely satisfied by all the books I've ordered previously from John Reed and am looking forward eagerly to reading his latest on protecting oneself from the coming financial crisis.

John Whiteheart

Hi John,
I just finished Succeeding. The only thing I hated about reading that book was finishing it. I did not want it to stop. I cannot thank you enough for having produced a work of such insight.
I've been reading success books for years, many of which I could not finish it. Tony Robbins says in the introduction of one of his books that only an insignificant proportion of people who buy success books get past the first couple pages, I'm not surprised.
The 'success' industry is not about giving advice, it's about entertaining, it's about feeding people's fantasies, and perhaps more importantly, it's about giving people hope. And selling hope is good business. People will pay anything for hope.
Anyway, Succeeding is the best (tied with think and grow rich) success book I've read in my life. Actually, I see it as the practical counterpart of Think & Grow rich. And so, I did want to take a few seconds to say thank you.
I will say this: I think a man's greatest strength is often is greatest weakness, and I think that the very qualities that make you so good at what you do could possibly hurt you a bit in certain areas, but hey, this is true for all men who ever accomplished anything of any significance, so I don't know if it's even worth mentioning.[Reed comment: See my YouTube video “Don’t be a weed.”]
In any case, keep up the good work.
Oh yes, one last point about Robert K[iyosaki]. I understand where you come from, and the points you make are valid, but I think it's important to realize that the problem is not RK or any other gurus, the problem is people's inability or unwillingness to think critically (there will always be someone else out there trying to mislead you, intentionally or not). And when you refuse to think, you will be mislead, even by excellent information.
Ok, I've said enough.
All the best John!

I want to let you know that I thoroughly enjoyed reading (and sharing) Succeeding and How to Publish. Looking forward to your thoughts on the economy.

J.B. Sinnott

My dad bought me Succeeding and I loved it - just started JV Football - this was my first year coaching in HS and I can not put the book down. Your book is giving me many new thoughts. Thanks,


Great article [about the Succeeding book] . I have bought both of your Succeeding books and the Inflation/Deflation book. All well written. Am giving them to my [adult] year old son to read.

Al Chariton


Your Succeeding book should be required reading for all high school seniors, college freshmen or kids in their 20’s. Great book. I am very impressed with your approach to life and your insistence on analysis based in fact, reason and logic. It is refreshing to see that in real estate and all walks of life.

Nick Giuditta
Trusts and Estates attorney, Westfield, NJ


I've got to admit, that was an excellent book. My parents read it and said the same thing.
Bruce Hough, MD

Mr. Reed,

Your outspokenness is precisely why you're a breath of fresh air.  You are willing to tell the truth and evaluate things objectively to help other people.  Obviously, you are providing information/expertise of value.  That is why I enjoy purchasing/reading your books. 

Succeeding is an outstanding book with a lot of good advice.  I read it often….

…keep up the outstanding body of work, stay healthy, keep writing and keep coaching. … you are my concept of the American dream, in many ways because you are making a good living being honest and sticking to your principles, even if they aren't always well-received in all circles.

Mahi Reddy

Thank you

Mr. Reed,

Thank you for my "Succeeding" book! I hope [How to Protect Your Life Savings from Hyperinflation & Depression] is even half as informative; if so, I should end up very well (maybe even overly) prepared for the coming financial crisis!)

Ben Brown

Mr. Reed,

Hi, I saw this book when I was visiting my cousin and took a look through a couple of the chapters.  The information in the book is really great and it's very well written so I'm ordering another copy before I leave.  Thanks so much.

Anup Myneni

I've purchased Succeeding. and think it's an excellent book, I refer to it all the time. I can count on one hand the number of books I've read on success which are so rich in content, thank you.

antoine bouchard

I am Jimmy Hill from North Carolina. I read some of your books. I loved them, man. You really are doing everyone a service by your non-B.S. way of life.

I bought the Succeeding book and loved it.

When I started studying real estate, I was an idiot. I believed all that Kiyosaki B.S. You could by a property for little to nothing down and the rent would more than cover the expenses etc. I found out that was a load of bull in a hurry.

But after wasting years of studying this nonsense I finally started reading your books. Now I laugh at the advice those real estate books at the local bookstore give. I realized how little I really did know and fell for a sales pitch.

I also come from a family that does not motivate anyone to get an education. It's like they believe education wasn't important. I use to believe that, until I found out the hard way. Once I started getting a job, I found out that the ones who were telling me what to do and making the money were the college graduates. And that is true at every place I have ever worked.

Just wanting to let you know that I am supporting you 100% and thank you for putting me on the right track with real estate. I also like your new military page. Terrific.

Best of luck to you.
Jimmy Hill from Facebook

[Reader responding to email suggesting Succeeding as a Christman gift:]

Thank you John but I already have the 1st and 2nd Edition of Succeeding.

I'm probably not the first to say I wish I had read it when young (before
joining the military, etc.)

Happy Holidays,

Greg Helfer, Pharm.D.

Dear Mr Reed,
I’ve had some correspondence with you recently; you quoted me from my thoughts on your review of “The Unforgiving Minute”.
As I said back in that conversation, reading that review tipped me into picking up a copy of “Succeeding” from you. Decided not to wait for Christmas after all.
And what a read it was.
I do intend to write you a more formal testimonial in future which I’d be happy to be quoted on, because frankly you deserve it for this book.  For the moment, though, this was a great read, tremendous amounts of information to absorb, and even more importantly a surfeit of just plain good advice.  I didn’t get a “buzz” experience as I tended to get from some of the property “guru” books – that ‘buzz’ was usually from the rah-rah, you-can-do-it stuff which is in the books and which I know you’re aware of.
What I got from your book was a sense of information “clicking” into place – a sense that the information I was being given was accurate, born of experience, and at some level – probably the common-sense level – what I already knew.  An author named Frank Herbert once said that you can discern true religion from the false by the fact that when you learn it, it enters you as something you’ve always known.  Not saying your book’s a religion, or anything like that – I saw your comments about your discomfort with elements of the halo effect – but it just had that wonderful, straightforward, common-sense element to it that I don’t think I’ve ever gotten from another self-help or real estate investment book in the market.  Many, many thanks for taking the time and effort to write this book.  It’s well worth the asking price and more.
Kind regards,

I found your first edition of "Succeeding" informative and real-world.  I am looking forward to the updates in the second edition.

Robert Nall

Thanks Jack I've purchased [Succeeding] and refer to [it] often. ...thanks!!! for making me look great and [like I] know, REALLY KNOW what I'm doing!

Buddy Hicks

John T. Reed has just published the second edition of his most popular book, Succeeding. It was 205 pages, and now it’s 320. This was a terrific book: I highly recommend it.

Bill Mencarrow
Owner, The Paper Source newsletter

Dear Mr. Reed, I have been reading your books on real estate investment for several years and have found your advice to be honest, sensible, and innovative. Your knowledge has made me money and made me more aware of risks and how to reduce those risks. My goal is to read all of your books on real estate investment and I am slowly working my way towards that goal. Your book Succeeding has been a light; I had an absent father--your book gave me some of that fatherly advice that I missed out on. It has helped me prioritize what is important in life, set goals that will make me happy and healthy, and a roadmap to achieve those goals. It is in my desk at work and I often refer to it.

Jonathan Davis, JD

Love your books. Your Succeeding book is one of my favorites. I reference or read it daily. In your Succeeding book you talk about natural talents; you're definitely talented in writing. I really appreciate it. I finally feel like I've connected with a writer who is not me. I wish this book was around when I was in my early twenties. Thanks again.
Ryan VanDyke

I am almost finish in reading Succeeding, it totally changed my perception with regards to marriage, net worth and almost everything you said. I am now determined to start real estate investing. Thank you very much for your very wonderful books.

Best regards,
Bernard Go

While I highly recommend this book for readers of all ages, if I were teaching a high school freshman class in any subjet, I would make it a mandatory text.

Dr. Kenneth W. Edwards, Book Review Editor, The Real Estate Professional

Jack and Marty,
Thanks for the quick response sending the books. I was able to take "Succeding" with me to my brother's house in Hughson (SE of Modesto) to read while there. Am CONSUMING it! Great stuff, but lots to read. Am enjoying it thoroughly enjoying "getting to know you" and marking the hell out of it.
... I just wanted to say how much I am getting out of the info and your "turn of words.". You certainly have a way with them! Can't wait to employ some of this stuff but want to thoroughly understand what I'm doing before I get started screwing around with my current invested monies.
Thanks for the great writing and for shooting straight from the hip, Jack, and for all the help and the quick delivery of my requested titles, Marty. Warmly,
Jeannie Keyes

Here I am again buying another copy because I find the information too valuable for my loved ones to go without. Your book has helped me succeed and everyone I’ve given a copy to. Thank you.

Ryan Van Dyke

I am in the middle of your book "succeeding", great stuff.....

Marc Vincenti

Mr. Reed,
I purchased your How to Write, Publish and Sell Your Own How-To Book and your Succeeding book approximately one month ago.  Thanks to your book, I have begun writing two books.  One on the homebuying process and another on personal finance.  I wanted to commend you for writing two thorough and easy to read books.  
Your How to Write, Publish, and Sell Your Own How-To-Book was an excellent and detailed analysis on how and why to self-publish.  I also want to thank you for writing your Succeeding book.  As a 26 year old who is looking at other careers and settings goals with a wife and child, I am often displeased with the drivel of career and goal attainment books on the market.  Instead of ideas such as "staying positive", you actually offered concrete examples and steps based on your valuable experience.
My wife made the mistake of opening the box of books when they came to the house.  She instantly said "you paid what?  These books are so small!".  After two weeks she began reading the books and realized how valuable the content was.
Thank you very much for your books, they are superior to anything on the market today.
Bradley Martin

I enjoyed the first edition so much that I want to see the additions. I give your newsletter first priority when it arrives each month. Thanks for sharing your great wisdom.

Darrell Woodruff

Hi Jack
I am finding reading “Succeeding” to be very invigorating. It’s practical, common sense, honest advice is great. Actually it’s the best book I have ever read on the subject.
I got it to give to Sam for Christmas. I started to leaf through it, stopped went to the beginning and started to read page by page.
Now I am taking notes.
Here I am at 55 (today) about to start a new venture from January next year.  Yet I feel like I am just starting out. I can talk about previous experiences both good and bad and yet none of that matters, as it has all brought me to this point.
I loved your comments on sleep deprivation in the army. I recall grabbing sleep where ever I could. I remember travelling on buses, as a young officer cadet, where you would expect a lot of chatter and fooling around. Within a few minutes we would all be asleep grabbing a few precious ZZZZZZZZZZZ !!!
All the best from [Australia]
Bernie Hartley

Loved the first edition, lent it to a friend and never saw it again. (Guess he liked it as much as I did.) The new chapters sound solid, can't wait to read 'em!

The first [edition] was one of the best books I ever read.

John D. Yamnicky

Dear Mr. Reed:

I received your "Succeeding" book very quickly after ordering it and am thoroughly enjoying it.  I am 66 and looking forward to figuring  out what I want to do with the rest of my life.     

Thanks for writing the books.  I've had a lot of seminars, and none  of them contained as much information as one of your books, even at ten times  the price or more.

Thanks, and looking  forward to your next book,

Carl Royer

I started reading Succeeding yesterday and had to force myself to put it down when I realized it was almost two in the morning. It is a fantastic book! Thanks again!
Be well,

Thanks John! I received 'Succeeding' on Friday and have not been able to put it down. Even at 42 there is plenty which I can apply to make improvements in my approach to life. Thanks. Hey, have you been approached to mentor or consult on a fee basis? There are going to be a lot of Financial folks out of work in the coming weeks. Your unique style and lack of sugar coating would do them wonders!

Mike Flowers

Hi  John,
Just got your book Succeeding it is a very  powerful book..
 Just thumbing through  I could tell it was  written by "one of us"( engineers).... I'm a civil engineer myself, in  Piscataway NJ.
 It takes a very nebulous subject that can be defined  in so many ways and puts some real practical "handles" on  it.
 Readers can grasp how to frame succeeding in there own life and  put their own dimension to it.
 Very practical advice, presented in  a humanistic manner.
Thanks  John!
Fred Vokral

Mr. Reed,

Your pages are very impressive. I've spent a couple days now poring over half a dozen of them. I must say, your perspective regarding real estate investing [hands-on, no-nonsense and *specific*(!)] is so refreshing. I wish I had known about your books (particularly "Succeeding") about 5 years ago before spinning my wheels through my late 20's. I'd possibly have been a real estate investor by now. Luckily, my failures didn't cause me to part with large sums of cash, having avoided buying Mr. Kiyosaki's or Carleton Sheets' 'systems,' but I have a couple (slightly more credulous) friends who parted with a significant amount of money on those endeavors (which nothing to show for it to date). I did however part with large sums of cash on lost opportunities (possibly, possibly not) not making progress toward this goal for 5 years lacking knowledge, not having been invested in real estate and thus having no gains (or income), or by constructing a plan or raising necessary capital to begin that endeavor (the latter lack of capital is largely the result of a mortgage on a principal residence, where I'm 'happy,' but probably was an unwise financial move to pay during the '04 near-peak for a 1,000-square-foot house). I suspect having your book(s) and/or pages, with your sober, realistic, and specific advice on my mind during that time would have given me more direction and clarity. I've been annoyed and frustrated to no end the last 5 years trying to find a book with *specifics.*

As much as I'd like to dive headlong into real estate with your 'Getting Started..' I'm thinking of making sure my affairs are in order more generally, and recently stumbling across "Succeeding" seems fortuitous, but after having bought a dozen books in 5+ years (a few I'm happy with but they tend to be stock oriented e.g. Bogle's and Malkiel's books), I'm approaching every last 'success,' real estate investing, etc. purchase with (undue?) caution. These things are 'only' 30 bucks a pop (or so), but 10 of these failed endeavors is three to four hundred dollars(!) and much lost time.

Best Regards,
Joshua E. Reed [No relation]

I very much have enjoyed the books and newsletter. You've definitely
saved me from making some bad mistakes and easily saved me the cost of all the
books I've purchased. Thanks again!

David Dutton

Mr. Reed,

I have read a lot of motivational and business books and your book succeeding touched me.  I can totally relate to most of what you said.

Ken Gravranovic

Am 25% of the way through the book and loving every page. This is a phenomenal piece of work. I'm 48 and stumbled across some (but my no means all) of these ideas along the way. Sending a copy to recent college grad who has got everything it takes to succeed (discipline, work ethic, integrity), but just needs some deep real world pointers on what it's all about. Thanks for the effort of writing this thing.

Ken McCarthy


I recently received your book Succeeding. While I don't agree with everything you've said, I've found it to be one of the best in it's genre.

Curtis Alexander

I read your book Succeeding, which I bought last year. I have no doubt that I'll get several decades of experience for several hundred dollars--what a terrific benefit for me. Thank you!

Roger Farley


I wanted to thank you for producing a wonderful book. I have read many "self help" books over the years and Succeeding is head and shoulders above the rest. Your advice is thoughtful and useful.

You are first author who seriously discusses the pros and cons of setting correct goals and encouraging the reader to think, in advance, about the consequences. Your discussion of fame and the cost of being the top dog, is worth the price of the book. The area on dating is priceless (the roommate test is perfect).

I appreciate what you say about investing. The financially secure person is the one who saves over time and dose not get caught up in the opportunity of the month. Four years ago I was laughed at by mortgage brokers and stock brokers who told me that paying off my mortgage was idiotic. Guess who's laughing now. Despite the teaching of "rich dad" I have done quite well with my 403b....and guess what, 403b's are protected from lawsuits and bankruptcy dad's biggest worry.

I have underlined 100's of quotes in your book and I review the entire book monthly. Thank you for giving me the tools to make my life a little better.

R Turner
Walnut Creek, CA

Mr. Reed,

I own several of your books and I've read through most of these.

When I first started reading them a few years ago, I found them somewhat difficult to follow. At that time, I appreciated the information in the books, but it wasn't until recently when I started re-reading them that I became truly impressed.

That's because I figured out how to read your writing. One must pay attention to every sentence. Each one has something important to say. Your writing can't be read like a novel, it needs to be absorbed and reflected. If there is something that I don't understand, instead of glossing over it, I need to take a break, think about it or do some extra research.

With that approach in mind, I'm amazed as to the depth and scope of your material. It seems that almost every paragraph contains an important message, something that a person would not be able to ignore in the pursuit of their goals (real estate or otherwise.) It certainly appears that you have done an incredible amount of research. I can only imagine what your study looks like, the bookshelves must be overflowing.

Anyway, just some belated fan mail.

Michael Martinez in New Mexico

I found the part of your book about trying to become an NFL kicker and finding your own niche interesting.
I spent a lot of time trying to learn to play Chet Atkins style guitar. After I failed at that I tried to learn classical guitar. I spent a lot of years taking lessons and a lot of hours practicing that could have been used more productively.
But when all of this really hit home was when I was watching u-tube productions of Chet Atkins playing. As I watched him play I realized there was no one who could play like he did because what he was doing was reproducing the music as he heard it inside his head. That was the reason I was never able to do it, other than a lack of talent, and why no one else could. His guitar was just an extension of himself and he utilized it much as we talk, sometimes without really thinking about it. Then I saw u-tube productions of other people doing their interpretations of Doc Watson's Deep River Blues. There was some heavyweight talent doing this, yet their efforts ranged from merely bad, to just plain awful. And a lot of these people were excellent guitar players, but they were doing all sorts of pyrotechnics on the guitar that looked great but had nothing to do with Doc Watson's original version of Deep River Blues.
Then I saw Doc Watson do his version on u-tube. It was right then that I could fully understand and appreciate your advice in your book to find your own niche.
Doc Watson's original version just totally blew away the competition. Doc Watson is blind, and he doesn't play the guitar with all of the speed and skill of a lot of these other players trying to imitate him, but Deep River Blues is his, and his alone. No one else will ever do it like he does.
In closing I will take the advice in your book, and find my own niche. Better late than never.
Ron Sivils

I was a government employee and your point of working for retirement really opened my eyes to my fellow employees. (my own attitude included)

We now own 7 rentals (we sold 2 during the boom to pay off our house and 1 rental)

We just purchased a new rental on 2 lots. We will build two on it when the time is right.

We also used your buyer/builder that never sales. a rental we had on two lots burned down (smoking tenants). the home was on 2 lots. built 2, sold one and rented the other. that property is 60% LTV from the start... nice..

My wife and I have a current net worth of 800K, with a cash flow of $2800 per month. My wife is a real estate agent, and i landlord and maintenance.

Thank you for all you have done for me and my family.

Jeff Crowe

Good Morning Mr. Reed,

I am currently enjoying your "Succeeding" book.

"Succeeding" is a GREAT book. I will probably read it
again after I finish the first run through. I have
enjoyed your website for years and finally bought 3
books last week (I know, I know, "What took you so

Corey Riley

Hi John,

This is Suchit Parikh from India. I am in my mid twenties.

I ordered “Succeeding” in March 07. At that time you did not ship internationally it was only in June 07 that I got to read the book.....and what a wonderful book it is....absolutely different form the dozens of self help books available.

The "Sobriety" chapter is excellent and I’m proud to let you know that while drinking socially is becoming a norm in India of late, I have never ever had a drop of alcohol. I also found a lot of sense in what you say about doing things just to prove your disbelievers wrong, I have been guilty of this at times and I consciously realized this on reading your book. The "Career Choice" chapter is really exhaustive and it gave me a lot of new ideas, especially on researching careers. I found the chapter on "Spouse Choice" good too though I have not applied much of what you have written till date.

To sum up I’d like to thank you for writing this wonderful book. This one might sound a bit exaggerated but it’s true, quite a few times I ask myself – “How would John T Reed deal with this situation if he was in it? Most often I get a solid, down to earth and practical answer in a matter of minutes.


Hi Mr. Reed,
Great read.

I just want to thank you for the prompt delivery of the book "Succeeding". It arrived in three business days after I made the order (I've been disappointed by online bookstores, namely

Also, I wanted to tell you how much I appreciate your honesty with PROOF AND CITATIONS! It's very refreshing that someone in the world isn't trying to scam me or sell their products using gimmicks and subliminal messages.

Thank you very much for writing your book(s).

William Lee

Mr. Reed,

I purchased your book Succeeding about 3 months ago, and I must say that I found it tremendously useful. I am on the verge of graduating college, and I have read numerous self help books to help me figure out what exactly I should do with my life. Your book due to its straight forwardness and your personal experiences, was definitely one of the more helpful ones.

One of the most important realizations in my life so far came through your book as it shifted my whole concept of success. Like most young people, I associated success with being rich and famous. Now I believe that success derives from working to my fullest, being honest, staying true to my values, maintaining close relationships to my friends and family, and having a healthy marriage with good kids.

Thank you for your help! I believe you have helped me become aware of things that may have taken me 10 years to realize or I may never have realized.

Jaimini Desai

Dear John,

Thank you for writing Succeeding. I have had many successes, many “failures,” and have been fervently assembling my next steps (I love my job). My best success was working for myself, 5 years, self-supporting (barely) and loving every waking moment. I have been getting a few new self-employed paths started and your book is one of my best tools right now. If my dad were still alive he would have championed your perspective and advice.
Thanks for taking the time to write this and share it with the rest of us.

Sincerely, Ann Mueller

Mr. Reed

I ordered some of your book about 4 years ago and gained many helpful insights. Two weeks ago I made another order which consisted of "success" and a couple other titles. Success is a great book I have already recommended to many friends within my circle.

When I was a young lieutenant my father died. At the time he died I thought I knew everything about being a man and manhood. I'm now 39 and realize how much more I had to learn from him. Your book has helped me understand some things and clarify other things. I want to thank you for putting your life out there. If you didn't take that risk your book would have been just another book full of words without content. Your book is a measure of what a young man should know on his journey to manhood. Then again I may like it because I'm the son of a real estate developer, former Army officer and Ranger school survivor.

I have a 6 year old daughter whom I learn from everyday. I have a personal hobby that when something strikes me that I want her to know but think she too young to understand, I end up writing a journal entry that normally turns out to be about 5 pages. Topics thus far have been about friendship, race, relationships, use of talents and many topics you have hit upon in your book. I'm going to keep writing, but I'm also going to have her read your book - that is when she can read.

Thanks again for a great read.

Lafayette Jefferson

I just finished your entire Succeeding book. I really enjoyed it and have recommened it to a few friends. I’m really proud of you for being transparent and sharing your life experiences.

Mike Lawrence

I just finished your Succeeding book. It was WELL worth it. I'm lending it to a friend already.

Corey Rabbon
San Luis Obispo, CA

Hi John,

Succeeding is Brilliant!!

I just wanted to tell you how much my fiancée and I are enjoying reading Succeeding. We simply can’t put it down. Your insights are wonderful, and your stories are engaging. The world makes more sense, every day, with every succeeding chapter.


James Kahn
Phoenix, AZ

Your book is a great read. I am learning a lot and look forward to reading more of your literature.

Michael J. Patty

Dear Mr. Reed,

On November 15, I received the following books from you that I had ordered: Succeeding, How to Get Started in Real Estate Investment, How to Buy Real Estate for at Least 20% Below Market Value (vols 1 and 2) and Fixers. I am 51 years old tomorrow, and am looking to change course and work for myself. I think I have waited way too long, but after 23 years of working for others as an MIS manager, I just can't suffer the fools any longer.

I will say that Succeeding is the best book of its type that I have ever read. While all topics were excellent, the message I took away from Succeeding was about "ooomph." No matter what the bright idea, without enough oomph, nothing happens.

I just finished reading Vols 1 and 2 of How to Buy Real Estate for at Least 20% Below Market Value. For some reason, the section in Vol 2 on "Judgement Investing" struck a chord with me and it fascinates me. I spent the last 2 hours on the internet and found free resources (NJ county clerks association) to look up debtors to see if they own real estate (you get a menu, put in a last name, specify the county - there are 21 in New Jersey, click search and the information pops up for free regarding property owner, assessed value, location, names, etc. I think you are correct where on page 34 you conclude Judgement Investing with remarks that you like the Judgement Investing strategy from a lifestyle standpoint. And as you mentioned in Succeeding, I can clearly see that without enough "oomph," real estate investing is just not going to happen. Like my father always told me, "talk is cheap."

I enjoyed reading your books, going back to the one on Youth Baseball Coaching that I bought several years ago.

Richard Dondes
East Brunswick, NJ 08816

Your books are proving one of the highlights of my day. I occasionally read some of the Succeeding book to my teens – easier for them to get it from you than from dad.

Dave Hagni

Author, West Point graduate Harvard MBA, successful real estate investor and real estate newsletter writer John T. Reed has written a book he calls Succeeding.

It may very well become a classic. No hype, no emotional appeals, no motivational gibberish. Instead, you get a lifetime's worth of practical advice and wisdom from a very successful man. You will not get this invaluable guidance anywhere else. Read this book, several times, if you are serious about living a successful life — however you define it.
-W. J. Mencarow, PAPER SOURCE editor

Really like your books. Very eye opening on the whole biz. There is a lot more to it than people realize. Your Succeeding book is really helping me map out my life.

Steve Long

I just finished your book. I really liked it. I ready 20 to 30 books per year. I don't hang on to most of them. I do keep the good ones. I'll be keeping this one in the book case. My 13 year old son and 7 year old daughter will be reading it in their late high school years.

Thanks again.


Dear Mr. Reed,

I ordered your book Succeeding and sent it to my son...after first practically reading it cover to cover myself! Great book, and I could see why so many men gave it rave reviews. I am particularly pleased with it as my son [needs that male perspective]. Your book gives the type of information that a great father gives...and he and I thank you for putting it into print.

My 25-year-old son has a natural talent for selling. As you seem to know so many other things, do you know of a school that teaches selling (and all its fine points) to individuals? [I referred her to the Dale Carnegie sales course.]

Thank you for your time, and for writing a valuable book. Your sons are very lucky to have a father like you!


Page Remick

I ordered 3 of your books (Succeeding, How to Write, Publish and Sell Your Own How-To Book, and How to Buy Real Estate for at Least 20% Below Market Value) and I want you to know that they are high quality and very valuable to me. I intend to put some of your real estate ideas to work for me when I invest back in the USA this fall.
I also write professionally and you are one of my inspirations. Thanks for your fresh, no BS, chock full of helpful info books.
Nalini Indorf Kaplan

I bought a book from John T Reed called ‘Succeeding’. Over the last year or so, I have digested its contents and have tried to apply them to my life. Although the advice at times has seemed counter-intuitive, I have adapted it to my own personal situation and have found it to have had a profound influence on my life for the better. Over the course of that time, John and I have corresponded by email. He hasn’t always replied and we haven’t always agreed. But over the course of that period, I have found that he has been invariably right.

Succeeding is a book about how to choose the right career and the right spouse. When you really think about it, these are the two most important decisions you have to make in your life and also the ones where the most misinformation and bad advice is to hand. I write this as a forty-two year old Chinese man living in England and I have to say that I wish someone had written this book twenty years ago and that I had managed to get hold of a copy then. I think my life would have been radically different.

Succeeding is a book about choices. What the pros and cons are of the choices you make. How to be both realistic in your goals as well as how to achieve much more than you thought possible. Where this book stands out from all the others is in its focus on practical tips and strategies based on what has worked for John. John T Reed is by any reasonable measure a successful man. Where possible, I have tried to verify his claims. He has stated that he graduated from West Point Military Academy (he did), and graduated from Harvard Business School (which he also did).

In talking about career choices, what really impressed me about the book is the profound respect he shows for hard work and serious achievement. When I was growing up, I was led to believe that only success at the very highest levels was worthy of respect and that ordinary achievements like doing a job well and being ‘modestly successful’ were things that were to be looked down on. This is, of course, nonsense.

Everything has a price and the higher you set your goals, the less likely you are to achieve them whilst sacrificing everything else that you could have achieved. The book doesn’t set out to either dazzle you with the author’s own success or downplay the downsides of any choice you make. It gives you practical tips and strategies on how to select and advance in the career of your choice. Not every piece of advice he gives is applicable to everyone, but you will find something useful in there that applies to you.

Dealing with the question of career, I found the book helpful in three ways. The first was that it articulated for me one of the fundamental dilemmas in my career – that I often felt forced to compromise my values in order to preserve my job security.

I was very unhappy in the last two firms that I worked for. I did not feel that either firm treated its employees with respect or paid them fairly. In both cases, the senior partners had material aspirations that could only be achieved by paying their employees as little as possible whilst working them as hard as possible.

Succeeding gave me the push to see if there was another way, and I decided to set up my own firm. The jury’s still out on whether I succeed but I have never been happier and have no regrets. I can give my clients the best possible advice without worrying about what impact it would have on the senior partner’s ability to keep up the payments in his expensive BMW (I drive a Ford Ka by the way).

The second way it helped was that it enabled me to put into perspective my own achievements and to learn to value them. I grew up in a very materialistic and achievement-oriented family and society. Whilst criminal lawyers aren’t exactly regarded as the lowest of the low (although not very far off), they are not particularly well regarded either for the kudos of the career and the material rewards.

Nevertheless, it is a honourable profession and one that has enabled me to live reasonably well. The third way that the book helped was the sensible approach to money. It sometimes helps to be reminded that money does not grow on trees and that it is easier to spend it than earn it. John’s discussion on how to manage your finances and that what matters is being debt-free and financially secure was a long overdue wake up call.

The advice on how to find a spouse and make a relationship work was spot on. Had I read this twenty years ago, I would have been much better off financially (divorces cost a bomb) and far happier. Although his advice on dating strategies is a little dated, (which Reed forthrightly admits in the book—he has been married for 31 years) with a little adaptation, they can be applied to the present day.

It made me think very hard about what I was looking for in a relationship as well as to apply my energies to trying to find the right woman. Like most people, I did not spend enough time looking for the right partner, enough time thinking about what qualities the right partner should have, and ended spending a lot of time trying to sort out relationships that were fundamentally flawed.

I spent two decades getting it substantially wrong. Forty is not too late to put a lot of it right. Since reading the book, I have set up my own law firm. My financial aspirations being rather more modest than my former senior partners, I am able to share more of the income with my colleagues as well as to pick and choose my clients to a greater extent than was previously possible. I am happier in my career than I would have thought possible.

I am slowly putting my finances right. I have cut my expenses down. Having got rid of the company BMW convertible, I find that I no longer miss it, or the enormous fuel and operating costs. Oddly enough, none of my friends have deserted me and I am still able to get women to go out with me – some of whom drive much nicer cars than me. Trust me guys – it’s an emotional crutch that you don’t really need.

But I think the most important lesson it’s had for me was understanding that I got the work / life balance wrong and did not pay enough attention to the one thing that matters most – finding and building a life worth living and sharing it with the right woman.

It would be silly to say that this book single-handedly changed my life. I think you need to be in the right frame of mind to take in what it has to say. A lot of the steps that are recommended require both hard work and moral courage to implement. You will need to do things that make no sense to most people. But in every material particular that I could test it, John’s advice has been correct. If you want to be the most successful, most famous, richest person in the world, this book will not help you do it. But if you want to lead a happy fulfilled life having made the most of your potential, there are worse places to start than by reading it.

Jack Reed has asked me to write a testimonial for this book. This I am happy to do. I did hesitate over putting my address and email down but decided to do so because one thing I did learn from Jack is that if you have nothing to hide, there’s no reason to hide.

Best wishes,

Norman Cho

Hi John

I recently bought your book succeeding and think it is great. I will be buying several of your other books soon.

Acevedo Robert

Dear Mr. Reed,
I subscribe to your newsletter and have read many of your books. I have recommended your book Succeeding to at least 100 people, and purchased properties at discounted prices using information I learned from your book on buying real estate at least 20% below market. The deal we got on a townhouse that smelled so bad that my wife and the real estate agent could not stand in the living room to talk probably provided enough profit to buy every book and newsletter you ever publish.

Kevin C. Maki, PhD


I just finished reading your excellent book Succeeding. What a great read! You brought up so many excellent points. Man, I wish I had gotten something like this to read while I was in my twenties. I WILL make certain that my kids read it at the appropriate time in their lives. As a matter of fact, it struck so many chords with me that I really wanted to ask your advice on my particular situation.…